Music has always been an important part of my life ever since I was very young. I have always had a passion for it no matter what type of music it is.
I am a Documentary Photography graduate and over the years I have photographed many weddings and events.
With the passion for both music and photography, I thought it would be a good idea to combine the two together.
Artists get a thrill out of performing for audiences, the excitement and energy in the air, watching them dance like they haven't got a care in the world and the crowds singing along to their lyrics.
People go to watch them perform because it takes their mind off everything that's going on in their lives, for inspiration or they can understand and relate to their lyrics
With the musicians I have photographed, I have captured the moment and you can see how passionate and eager they are to perform and entertain the crowds, as their music is for the people. I share the same passion for them with my photography.